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Protect the Nerves of the Foot by Using the Right Footwear

Foot nerves can experience irritation and thickening caused by a variety of things, including the influence of daily activities and the use of footwear that is not in accordance with the condition of the foot, or wearing high heels in a long time. Thickening of the leg nerves is called Morton's neuroma. Morton neuroma is common between the bones of the middle finger and ring finger. This condition occurs at all ages, but often attacks middle-aged women. Athletics in athletics such as running also run the risk of having a Morton neuroma due to increased pressure in the toes when running.

Symptoms and Causes

Symptoms of thickening of the leg nerves are characterized by soles of the feet pain, tingling, numbness, and painful or burning sensations around the fingers and soles of the front legs. Patients will usually feel pain in the legs when wearing shoes, walking, or running. This pain is described as stepping on gravels that block in the sole of the foot. Some conditions that can cause thickening in the leg nerves are:
  • Foot deformities such as in patients with flat feet, bent toes such as a hammer (hammer toe), high curved legs, and a bunion, the condition of the leg bones that stand out at the base of the thumb joint.
  • Sports that use leg strength, such as jogging or running that provide more workload on the legs, especially if traveling long distances or suffering repeated foot injuries. In addition, sports also require the use of tight shoes, such as rock climbing or ice skating.
  • The use of high heels (high heels) in women has a number of risks. High-heeled shoes can give excessive pressure, especially on the fingers and soles of the front of the foot.

Independent Handling and Medical Examination

A number of actions can be done alone at home to overcome the irritation and thickening of the leg nerves, namely:
  • Choose and use the right footwear, with the right size for the foot. Shoe size should not be too narrow or too large, and make room for the fingers to move a little. In addition to the right size, choose shoes that have thick soles, can reduce shocks, and protect the excess pressure on the feet. For those who love sports, try to choose sports shoes that can provide comfort and prevent injury.
  • For women, although it can support the appearance, but you are advised to avoid wearing high heels too long and often, which can make your leg muscles tighten. Follow the tips on wearing high heels that are safe and comfortable, one of them by paying attention to the degree of slope of the right shoe.
  • Use leg guards from soft and comfortable material to relieve pressure around the feet.
  • Resting your feet while massaging and compressing the affected leg with an ice bag.
If the condition does not improve, immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment. The diagnosis of thickened leg nerves is done through physical examination. The doctor will do a physical examination, especially on the patient's feet to find and assess the conditions experienced in the affected area. Examination with medical imaging tools is also done to assess the picture of bone structure and leg tissue through X-rays, ultrasound, and MRI if necessary. Your doctor may recommend modifying daily activities, adjusting footwear, and providing medications such as corticosteroid injections to reduce complaints. However, if the complaint does not improve, you may be referred to an orthopedic surgeon for surgery. After surgery, the doctor may recommend the use of special footwear until the foot condition gradually improves. For that, do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you experience complaints due to thickening of the leg nerves, to get an examination and proper handling.


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