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Recognize the symptoms of motor nerve disease that has no cure

Motor nerve disease is a group of conditions in which damage to parts of the motor nervous system progressively. This rare disease occurs when nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord called motor neurons do not work as they should. One of the most common types of motor nerve disease in adults is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Motor nerves are the parts of the body that control important muscle activities such as walking, talking, grasping, breathing, and swallowing. The importance of the role of this nerve in the movement of the human body makes motor nerve disease can have a major impact on everyday life. People who experience motor nerve disease gradually become increasingly restricted in their activities. A common type of motor nerve disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Therefore, often motor nerve disease is identified and referred to as ALS. This disease, also known as Lou Gehrig's, is generally suffered by adults over 40 years, especially over 60 years, and is slightly more common in men than women. About 1 in 20 people who experience this condition have family members with a history of motor nerve disease or frontotemporal dementia, which is a rare type of dementia where there are abnormalities in the front and side of the brain. But the cause of motor nerve disease in general is often not detected with certainty.

Beware of Various Symptoms of Motor Nerve Disease

Motor nerve disease causes disorders of the motor nerves called the upper motor neurons (UMN) and lower motor neurons (LMN). Muscle cannot work well if there is a signal disturbance between LMN and muscle. This can then cause the muscles to gradually weaken and twitch uncontrollably. Meanwhile, if the disturbance occurs between the nerve parts of UMN and LMN, it can cause muscle stiffness, and body movements become heavy and slow. Eventually, the body's ability to control movement will gradually disappear. ALS is the most common motor nerve disease in adults who have symptoms of twitching muscles, muscle stiffness, atrophy or loss of muscle tissue, and progressive skeletal muscle weakness. People suspected of having ALS need to be immediately consulted by a neurologist or neurologist. Pay attention to the emergence of ALS symptoms which are usually in the form of the conditions below. Initial symptoms:
  • Difficulty grasping objects or lifting objects due to weak hands.
  • Feet that "falls" due to weak ankle muscle.
  • Dragging feet.
  • Difficult to lift the arm because the shoulder feels weak.
  • It is not clear when talking.
  • Muscle twitching or muscle cramps.
  • Difficulty maintaining posture.
  • Muscles for speech and swallowing begin to interfere, this symptom is similar to a stroke.
  • Respiratory muscle disorders.
  • Woke up several times at night because the brain lacked oxygen.
Advanced symptoms:
  • Difficulty moving limbs.
  • Stiff muscles and joints can be painful.
  • Difficulty swallowing and talking.
  • Excess saliva due to reduced swallowing activity can result in drooling.
  • Excessive yawning even though they don't feel tired.
  • Patients often find it difficult to control emotions and cry uncontrollably.
  • Hard to breathe.
The above symptoms do not appear suddenly, but gradually over a span of several weeks and months, starting from one side of the body. ALS disease symptoms experienced by each person are sometimes difficult to diagnose because it can resemble the symptoms of other diseases. To detect this disease, physical and neurological examinations such as strength of the limbs, coordination and balance, hearing and speech, vision, sensory abilities, mental status, and changes in behavior and mood are needed. Investigations to assess nerve function, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and blood tests will also be needed to determine the causative factor. In fact, there is currently no treatment that can cure motor nerve disease. Handling that can be sought at this time only aims to relieve symptoms so that daily activities are not disrupted. In the final stages, symptoms of motor nerve disease can make it difficult for patients to perform various basic bodily functions such as breathing, and need to be helped in almost all daily movements. If it has affected the respiratory muscles, this condition can cause respiratory failure if it does not get help. The treatments carried out aim to make patients get a better quality of life and feel comfortable, and adapt to the gradual loss of bodily functions such as swallowing, breathing, communicating, and moving.


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